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Kittipan's Thai Style Fish Cakes


Fresh Seafood Tunbridge Wells Thai Style Fish Cakes

Thai Style fishcakes

Ive always loved the little fish cakes you find in Thai restaurants, so gave them a go at home having demanded Kittipan give me all his secret tips, once I got it to work I noted it all down for you.

Serves 4

600g salmon, skin off and diced

  • 1 large egg
  • 2tbsp red curry paste
  • 1tbsp fish sauce
  • 4 kaffite lime leaves, middle stork removed and chopped as fine as you can.
  • 150g green or fine beans, chopped into .5cms bits
  • veg oil

Pop the salmon into a food processor with the egg, curry paste, lime leaves & fish sauce. Pulse the processor to blend the mixture. you still want to retain some texture. Pop into a mixting bown and fold in the beans.

Pop this in a fridge to chill and then mould into fish cakes using your hands (wet them to stop it sticking, or use a mould if you have one.

Pan fry for 2-3 mins each side.

I served this with a shredded salad or carrot, courgette, cucumber, red onion & corridander. I made a quick dressing with fish sauce, rice wine vinegar & soy finished with some seseme seeds and a squeeze of lime.

*I might add some crab meat into these next time. Drop about 100g of the salmon and fold it in with the green beans.

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